
Jong Metropole ends Erfgoedfestival

19 oktober 2021

With the concert Higher Ground on October 31, Jong Metropole together with Michelle David will close the Erfgoedfestival in Zutphen. And specially for the Erfgoedfestival a delegation of Jong Metropole wrote a new piece of music. This concert is part of the Autumn tour Higher Ground

Small working-class house as inspiration

Last summer, the musicians were inspired by the small ninetheeth-century working-class home of the David Evekink Foundation of Erfgoedcentrum Zutphen. This house was especially built to counteract the poor housing conditions of workers. Jong Metropole was inspired by the social stratification and the difference between rich and poor in Zutphen. A delegation from Jong Metropole will perform the unique and new piece of music which this visit produced during Higher Ground. See below how the musicians show the difference between rich and poor in the music you can hear during the concert on October 31 at 14.30 in Theater Hanzehof & Buitensociëteit. 

With thanks to Johan Plomp (coach), the Gemeente Zutphen, the Erfgoecentrum Zutphen and the Erfgoedfestival.

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